Group of Temples in Hemavati

Name of the Monument







Group of temples


Sri Satyasai

Andhra Pradesh

10th  CE

To the north-west of the Hemavathi (Henjeru), the capital of the Nolambas, are group of four temples namely Siddesvara, Doddesvara, Virupaksha and Mallesvara, datable to 8th-10th cent. C.E. Siddesvara temple: This temple is the most important temple of the place. It was rebuilt and therefore the features of the Nolambas were not seen except for the pillars and the main deity. The sanctum enshrines the idol of three eyed Siddesvara, seated on a raised pedestal in sukhasana posture. He has four hands of which three hands hold trident, damaru and kapala and the fourth hand is in abhaya mudra and bears a moon crescent over the fore head. It is of fine Nolamba workmanship. Doddesvara temple: Facing west, has on plan it has from east to west a garbhagriha housing a linga, a closed mandapa with three bays north-south and two bays east-west with walls on north and south having a perforated windows containing a sculpture, a closed sabhamandapa with five bays in both the directions containing beautifully sculptured and carved pillars, perforated windows in its walls and an entrance in its western wall and a small mandapa of simple pillars installed with a sculpture of nandi. Two flight of four steps with balustrades were provided between sabhamandapa and nandi mandapa. In front of the temple is a deep, stepped masonry well. The other two temples are very modest construction. There is huge collection sculptures of Nolamba period, exhibiting a bold modelling. The sculptures are of Brahmanical gods and goddesses. Bold matrika images and ceiling panels with Dikpalas are noteworthy. These are preserved in the museum near the temples.